Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Comparison of E.F. and O.F. Masses on November 2

This post is to show the general change in language between the Masses for the Souls of the Faithful Departed in the Extraordinary Form and the Masses in the Ordinary Form. The word "soul" (animam) is not found in the prayers of the Ordinary Form, none of which are the same as found in the Extraordinary Form. The language of some of the prayers changes to be about those still living rather than for those who have died. There is little or no mention of their present suffering in Purgatory; the language could be compatible with a belief that the dead are simply asleep (in body and soul) and awaiting their resurrection.

There are three Masses for the dead celebrated on November 2nd in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite: one for the souls of the faithful departed in Purgatory, one for the intentions of the Holy Father, and one for the intentions of the priest.

Here are English translations (from my 1961 Saint Joseph Daily Missal) of the texts of those Masses.

Extraordinary Form, Mass 1
Introit. 4 Esd. 2:34-35. Eternal rest give to them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. Ps. 64:2-3. To You we owe our hymn of praise, O God, in Sion; to You must vows be fulfilled in Jerusalem. Hear my prayer; to You all flesh must come.

Prayer. O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all the faithful, grant to the souls of Your servants and handmaids the remission of all their sins, that, through our devout prayers, they may obtain the pardon which they have always desired.

Epistle. 1 Cor. 15:51-57.

Gradual. 4 Esd. 2:34-35. Eternal rest give to them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. Ps. 111:7. The just man shall be in everlasting remembrance; an evil report he shall not fear.

Tract. Absolve, O Lord, the souls of all the faithful departed from every bond of sin. V. And by the help of Your grace may they be enabled to escape the judgment of punishment. V. And enjoy the bliss of everlasting light.

Gospel. John 5:25-29.

Offertory. O Lord Jesus Christ, King of glory, deliver the souls of all the faithful departed from the pains of hell and from the bottomless pit; deliver them from the lion's mouth, that hell swallow them not up, that they fall not into darkness, but let the holy standard-bearer Michael bring them into that holy light which You promised of old to Abraham and his seed. V. We offer You, O Lord, sacrifices and prayers of praise; receive them in behalf of those souls we commemorate this day. Grant them, O Lord, to pass from death to that life which You promised of old to Abraham and his seed.

Secret. Mercifully regard, we beseech You, O Lord, the sacrifice which we offer You for the souls of Your servants and handmaids, that, to those on whom You conferred the favor of the Christian Faith You would also grant its reward.

Communion. 4 Esd. 2:35,34. May light eternal shine upon them, O Lord, with Your Saints forever, for You are gracious. V. Eternal rest give to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them: with Your Saints forever.

Postcommunion. May the prayer of Your suppliant people, we beseech You, O Lord, benefit the souls of Your servants and handmaids, that You may deliver them from all their sins and make them sharers in Your Redemption.
Extraordinary Form, Mass 2
Introit. 4 Esd. 2:34-35. Eternal rest give to them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. Ps. 64:2-3. To You we owe our hymn of praise, O God, in Sion; to You must vows be fulfilled in Jerusalem. Hear my prayer; to You all flesh must come.

Prayer. O God, the Lord of mercies, grant to the souls of Your servants and handmaids a place of refreshment, rest and happiness, and the brightness of Your light.

Epistle. 2 Macc. 12:43-36.

Gradual. 4 Esd. 2:34-35. Eternal rest give to them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. Ps. 111:7. The just man shall be in everlasting remembrance; an evil report he shall not fear.

Tract. Absolve, O Lord, the souls of all the faithful departed from every bond of sin. V. And by the help of Your grace may they be enabled to escape the judgment of punishment. V. And enjoy the bliss of everlasting light.

Gospel. John 6:37-40.

Offertory. O Lord Jesus Christ, King of glory, deliver the souls of all the faithful departed from the pains of hell and from the bottomless pit; deliver them from the lion's mouth, that hell swallow them not up, that they fall not into darkness, but let the holy standard-bearer Michael bring them into that holy light which You promised of old to Abraham and his seed. V. We offer You, O Lord, sacrifices and prayers of praise; receive them in behalf of those souls we commemorate this day. Grant them, O Lord, to pass from death to that life which You promised of old to Abraham and his seed.

Secret. Be favorable, O Lord, to our supplications for the souls of Your servants and handmaids, for whom we offer You the sacrifice of praise, that You would vouchsafe to grant them companionship with Your Saints.

Communion. 4 Esd. 2:35,34. May light eternal shine upon them, O Lord, with Your Saints forever, for You are gracious. V. Eternal rest give to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them: with Your Saints forever.

Postcommunion. Grant, we beseech You, O Lord, that the souls of Your servants and handmaids may be cleansed by this sacrifice, and obtain forgiveness and eternal rest.
Extraordinary Form, Mass 3
Introit. 4 Esd. 2:34-35. Eternal rest give to them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. Ps. 64:2-3. To You we owe our hymn of praise, O God, in Sion; to You must vows be fulfilled in Jerusalem. Hear my prayer; to You all flesh must come.

Prayer. O God, the giver of pardon and the lover of man's salvation, we beseech Your mercy, through the intercession of Blessed Mary ever Virgin, and of all Your saints, to grant to the souls of Your servants and handmaids who have passed out of this life, the companionship of everlasting bliss.

Epistle. Rev. 14:13.

Gradual. 4 Esd. 2:34-35. Eternal rest give to them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them. Ps. 111:7. The just man shall be in everlasting remembrance; an evil report he shall not fear.

Tract. Absolve, O Lord, the souls of all the faithful departed from every bond of sin. V. And by the help of Your grace may they be enabled to escape the judgment of punishment. V. And enjoy the bliss of everlasting light.

Gospel. John 6:51-55.

Offertory. O Lord Jesus Christ, King of glory, deliver the souls of all the faithful departed from the pains of hell and from the bottomless pit; deliver them from the lion's mouth, that hell swallow them not up, that they fall not into darkness, but let the holy standard-bearer Michael bring them into that holy light which You promised of old to Abraham and his seed. V. We offer You, O Lord, sacrifices and prayers of praise; receive them in behalf of those souls we commemorate this day. Grant them, O Lord, to pass from death to that life which You promised of old to Abraham and his seed.

Secret. O God, Whose mercies are numberless, graciously receive our humble prayers, and through these sacraments of our salvation, grant to all the souls of the faithful departed, who by Your grace did confess Your name, the remission of all their sins.

Communion. 4 Esd. 2:35,34. May light eternal shine upon them, O Lord, with Your Saints forever, for You are gracious. V. Eternal rest give to them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them: with Your Saints forever.

Postcommunion. Grant, we beseech You, almighty and merciful God, that the souls of Your servants and handmaids for whom we have offered this sacrifice of praise to Your Majesty, by virtue of this sacrament, may be freed from all their sins, and by Your mercy, receive the bliss of eternal light.
In the Ordinary Form, there are also three Masses that can be said. The 2002 Missal says Missae quae sequuntur ad libitum celebrantis adhiberi possunt which I believe means "The Masses which follow" -- there are three -- "can be used by the celebrant as he wishes"; in other words, the priest can decide which of the Masses he wants to say.

Here are the texts of those Masses in Latin (from the 2002 Missale Romanum), followed by my attempt at a translation.

Ordinary Form, Mass 1
Ant. ad introitum (Cf. 1 Th 4:14; 1 Cor 15:22)
Sicut Iesus mórtuus est et resurréxit, ita et Deus eos qui dormiérunt per Iesum addúcet cum eo. Et sicut in Adam omnes moriúntur, ita et in Christo omnes vivificabúntur.

As Jesus died and was raised, so God will bring with him, them who have slept through Jesus. And as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.

Preces nostras, quaesumus, Dómine, benígnus exáudi, ut, dum attóllitur nostra fides in Fílio tuo a mórtuis suscitáto, in famulórum tuórum praestolánda resurrectióne spes quoque nostra firmétur.

We beseech You, Lord, to graciously hear our prayers that, as our faith in Your Son who was raised from the dead is renewed, our hope in the expected resurrection of Your servants is strengthened as well.

(This prayer is no longer for the faithful departed, but for our hope.)

Super oblata
Nostris, Dómine, propitiáre munéribus, ut fámuli tui defúncti assumántur in glóriam cum Fílio tuo, cuius magno pietátis iúngimur sacraménto.

Lord, find favor with our offering, that Your deceased servants may be taken up in glory with Your Son, by Whose love we are united in this great sacrament.

Ant. ad communionem (Cf. Jn 11:25-26)
Ego sum resurréctio et vita, dicit Dóminus. Qui credit in me, étiam si mórtuus fúerit, vivet; et omnis, qui vivit et credit in me, non moriétur in aetérnum.

I am the resurrection and the life, says the Lord. Who believes in me, though he be dead, shall live; and all who live and believe in me, shall not die forever.

Post communionem
Praesta, quaesumus, Dómine, ut fámuli tui defúncti in mansiónem lucis tránseant et pacis, pro quibus paschále celebrávimus sacraméntum.

Grant, we beseech You O Lord, that Your deceased servants, for whom we have celebrated this paschal sacrament, may pass into a dwelling of light and peace.
Ordinary Form, Mass 2
Ant. ad introitum (Cf. 4 Esdr 2:34-35)
Réquiem aetérnam dona eis, Dómine, et lux perpétua lúceat eis.

Eternal rest give to them, O Lord; and let perpetual light shine upon them.

Deus, glória fidélium et vita iustórum, cuius Fílii morte et resurrectióne redémpti sumus, propitiáre fámulis tuis defúnctis, ut, qui resurrectiónis nostrae mystérium agnovérunt, aetérnae beatitúdinis gáudia percípere mereántur.

O God, glory of the faithful and life of the justified, by Whose Son's death and resurrection we were redeemed, find favor with Your deceased servants that they who accepted the mystery of our resurrection may merit to gain the joy of eternal beatitude.

Super oblata
Omnípotens et miséricors Deus, his sacrifíciis áblue, quaesumus, fámulos tuos defúnctos a peccátis eórum in sánguine Christi, ut, quos mundásti aqua baptísmatis, indesinénter purífices indulgéntia pietátis.

Almighty and merciful God, we beseech You to purify in the blood of Christ, by these offerings, Your deceased servants from their sins, that they who were cleansed in the water of baptism, You would ceaselessly make clean by Your loving pardon.

Ant. ad communionem (Cf. 4 Esdr 2:35,34)
Lux aetérna lúceat eis, Dómine, cum Sanctis tuis in aetérnum, quia pius es.

May light eternal shine upon them, O Lord, with Your Saints forever, for You are gracious.

Post communionem
Sumpto sacraménto Unigéniti tui, qui pro nobis immolátus resurréxit in glória, te, Dómine, supplíciter exorámus pro fámulis tuis defúnctis, ut, paschálibus mystériis mundáti, futúrae resurrectiónis múnere gloriéntur.

Having received the sacrament of Your Only-Begotten, Who was sacrificed for us and was resurrected to glory, we humbly entreat to You, O Lord, for your deceased servants that, cleansed by these paschal mysteries, they may glory in the gift of the resurrection to come.
Ordinary Form, Mass 3
Ant. ad introitum (Cf. Rm 8,11)
Deus, qui suscitávit Iesum a mórtuis, vivificábit et mortália córpora nostra, propter inhabitántem Spíritum eius in nobis.

God, who raised Jesus from the dead, shall also give life to your mortal bodies, by His Spirit which dwells in you.

Deus, qui Unigénitum tuum, devícta morte, ad caeléstia transíre fecísti, concéde fámulis tuis defúnctis, ut, huius vitae mortalitáte devícta, te conditórem et redemptórem possint perpétuo contemplári.

O God, Who willed Your Only-Begotten, having overcome death, to cross into the heavens, grant unto your deceased servants that they, having overcome death in their lives, may be able to forever gaze upon You, their Creator and Redeemer.

Super oblata
Pro ómnibus fámulis tuis in Christo dormiéntibus hóstiam, Dómine, súscipe benígnus oblátam, ut, per hoc sacrifícium singuláre vínculis mortis exúti, vitam mereántur aetérnam.

Lord, accept this favorable sacrifice, offered for all Your servants who sleep in Christ that, by this singular sacrifice which casts off the bonds of death, they may merit eternal life.

Ant. ad communionem (Cf. Phil 3:20-21)
Salvatórem exspectámus Dóminum Iesum Christum, qui reformábit corpus humilitátis nostrae configurátum córpori claritátis suae.

We await a Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, Who will change our body of our lowliness, made like unto the body of His glory.

Post communionem
Multíplica, Dómine, his sacrifíciis suscéptis, super fámulos tuos defúnctos misericórdiam tuam, et, quibus donásti baptísmi grátiam, da eis aeternórum plenitúdinem gaudiórum.

Increase, O Lord, by this accepted sacrifice, Your mercy on your deceased servants and, to them who You gave the grace of baptism, give also the fullness of everlasting joy.
You will note that, in the Ordinary Form, in neither the Latin nor my unofficial translations does the word "soul" (anima) appear.

Here are the various readings and other propers for the Ordinary Form; texts that refer to the word "soul" (anima) are highlighted in red:

4 Esdr. 2:34-35 (antiphon) & Ps. 64:2-5 (verses) or Ps. 24:17-18 & Ps. 24:1-2 or Ps. 16:15 & Ps. 16:1 or Ps. 87:3 & Ps. 87:2 or Ps. 129:3-4 & Ps. 129:1-2 or Ps. 122:2-3 & Ps. 122:1 or Ps. 5:2-3 & Ps. 5:4ab

First Reading
Wis 3:1-9 or Wis 4:7-15 or Isa 25:6-9

Responsorial Psalm
Ps 23:1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 or Ps 25:6+7b, 17-18, 20-21 or Ps 27:1, 4, 7+8b+9a, 13-14

4 Esdr. 2:34-35 & Ps. 111:7 or Ps. 89:13 & Ps. 89:1 or Ps. 121:1 & Ps. 121:7 or Ps. 85:2 & Ps. 85:6 or Ps. 22:4a & Ps. 22:4b or Ps. 26:4a & Ps. 26:4b

Second Reading
Rom 5:5-11 or Rom 5:17-21 or Rom 6:3-9 or Rom 8:14-23 or Rom 8:31b-35, 37-39 or Rom 14:7-9, 10c-12 or 1 Cor 15:20-28 or 1 Cor 15:51-57 or 2 Cor 4:14-5:1 or 2 Cor 5:1, 6-10 or Phil 3:20-21 or 1 Thess 4:13-18 or 2 Tim 2:8-13

Alleluia (not said in Masses for the Dead in the Extraordinary Form)
Ps. 129:1-2 or Ps. 113:1 or Ps. 121:1 or 4 Esdr. 2:34-35 or John 15:16

Tract (available as an option instead of the Alleluia, I suppose)
"Absolve, Domine, animas omnium fidelium defunctorum..." (the tract from the E.F. Mass) or Ps. 129:1 & Ps. 129:2-4 or Ps. 125:5 & Ps. 125:6 or Ps. 41:2 & Ps. 41:3-4

Matt 5:1-12a or Matt 11:25-30 or Matt 25:31-46 or Luke 7:11-17 or Luke 23:44-46, 50, 52-53; 24:1-6a or Luke 24:13-16, 28-35 or John 5:24-29 or John 6:37-40 or John 6:51-59 or John 11:17-27 or John 11:32-45 or John 14:1-6

"Domine Iesu Christe, Rex gloriae, libera animas omnium fidelium defunctorum..." (Offertory from the E.F. Mass) or Ps. 129:1-2 or Ps. 6:5 or Ps. 87:2-3 or Ps. 12:4-5 or Ps. 50:3 or Ps. 137:7

4 Esdr. 2:35 & Ps. 129:1-8 (or) Ps. 120:1-8 (or) Ps. 22:1-6 or Matt. 25:40,34 & Ps. 6:2-7 or Matt. 25:20-21 & Ps. 15:1-3,5-10 or Ps. 14:1-2a & Ps. 14:2b-5 or Ps. 22:1-2 & Ps. 22:3-6 or Ps. 30:17-18 & Ps. 30:2-6,8,15-16a or Ps. 15:11 & Ps. 15:1-3,5-10 or John 6:52 & Ps. 26:1-3,9,11,13-14 or John 6:57 & Ps. 22:1-6 or John 12:26 & Ps. 16:1-3,5-9a


Anonymous said...

Thank you, this is very informative (sorry, I know this is an old thread.)
Can you answer a dumb question from me?
If the current mass's entrance should be this:
4 Esdr. 2:34-35 (antiphon) & Ps. 64:2-5 (verses)

Where in the NAB do I find this antiphon? What book does this mean?
Thank you.

Jeffrey Pinyan said...

4 Esdras isn't Scripture, it's apocryphal literature. That might come as a bit of surprise, that the Church would use a non-canonical writing in the liturgy!

Wikipedia's entry on the book contains this answer for you:

The introitus of the traditional Requiem in the Catholic Church is loosely based on 2:34-35: "Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them." Several other liturgical prayers are taken from the book. In his Vulgate, Clement VIII placed the book in an appendix after the New Testament with the rest of the Apocrypha, "lest they perish entirely".